The Commute To and From Work
Float planes are still one of the most exciting ways to commute to work on an Oceanographic
Research Vessel, come to think of it, most of being aboard a research vessel on an expedition is generally exciting
all of the time.
We were waiting for my plane from Jim Air to arrive to take me off of the Bering Explorer,
the gray sky in Prince William Sound was beginning to drop lower and the seas were picking up. Suddenly, out of
the clouds he dropped and pulled off a perfect landing in rough seas.
The Float Plane casually idled around in back of the Bering while Captain Dennis spun
the ship around to level the sea. The pilot cut the engine at about 30 feet and coasted right up to the back deck.
We crept along the planes pontoon, tossed my stuff aboard and grabbed some hasty pictures.
And we were off, the pilot yelled, "It's going to be a bit of a rough take off". And it was, did you
ever see "Never Cry Wolf"? This had the same feel but with a state of the art float plane, waves of water
feel like hard concrete when taking off in a float plane.
We skimmed low over the myrade of enchanting moss green and orange islands and fjoirds,
coming up over mountains and sweeping back down into another valley of mists and ocean amongst the fjiords. The
big finale' came when we climbed up over Portage Glacier and then dropped down into Turnagain Arm. Regular day
for the Pilot, thrilling adventure for this guy. Now this is my idea of a work commute! BPT